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A Sensible Crow

A sensible crow
Would a-marketing go,

" Oh, my dress doesn't matter,"
Said she;
So she traveled to town
In her every day gown,
And brought home some
Doughnuts for tea.

- Harriet Nutty

Directions: Print out the animal picture and color. Cut out the pictures by cutting on the solid lines and dotted lines. Assemble the picture by connecting each end of the base piece with double-sided or scotch tape so the picture stands up. Print out the page with the poem and the facts and place it in your own poem book. Illustrate the poem. Write your own story or poem and add it to your poem book.


Crow Facts.

Crows belong to the order of perching birds and are in the same family as the jays and magpies. They are glossy black birds with rounded bills, much larger than the blackbirds, about 18 inches (470 millimeters) long.

The crow family, Corvidae has about 100 species. Of these, 30 belong to the genus Corvus, the most common being the carrion crow of Eurasia and the American crow. The jackdaw, the rook, and the raven (the largest) also belong to this genus. Their size varies up to 26 inches, or 660 millimeters long (the raven). They have hoarse voices which sound like a harsh, loud call or caw. They are omnivorous. They mate for life and both sexes incubate the eggs. Eggs are usually blue-green with brown markings. Four to six eggs are laid and incubated in 18 days.

Crows are very resourceful at finding food. They prefer eating seeds, grain, root crops, and the eggs and young of other birds, but they will eat almost anything, including nuts, carrion, insects, fish, mollusks, or mice. They drop mollusks from the air to crack their shells. Crows are found throughout the world in a variety of habitats.
