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Directions. Print out. Read the questions/statements. Fill in the answers.

NAME _______________________________________________________________________________________

1. The European settlers, a small group of English separatists, who sailed to North America in 1620 were called the




2. These settlers sailed on which ship?




 3. Which ocean did the settlers cross to the New World?




  4. In which state did the settlers land.




5. This large group of peoples lived in the Americas for thousands of years. In 1621, one group celebrated the first harvest with the new European settlers (colonists) and taught them many ways that helped them survive in their New World. What were they called?








6. After the first winter, the Pilgrims lost half their population to starvation and disease. This famous Native American was introduced to the colonists by another famous chief, chief Samoset of the Wampanoag tribe. Samoset believed he could act as an interpreter between the Pilgrims and the other Indian tribes in the area. Because he could speak English, Governor William Bradford asked him to serve as his ambassador to the Indian tribes and become a member of the colony. Who was this famous Native American?




7. On March 22,1621, Squanto negotiated a peace treaty between the Pilgrims and another well-known Indian chief of the Wampanoag tribe. This chief’s name was




8. Squanto belonged to this tribe which years before the Pilgrims arrived thrived in the same area, presently called Plymouth. His tribe had been wiped out by a plague in 1617, brought by the Europeans. His tribe was the








Squanto was responsible for the Pilgrims survival. He showed them how to set fishing traps, how to plant corn with fish fertilizer in, how to identify medicinal plants from poisonous ones, where to find game, and shared many ancient family secrets and recipes.

9. This man became the second governor of Plymouth Colony for more than 30 years. He replaced the first governor, John Carver, who died suddenly in April 1621. His name was








10. Who was the first governor of Plymouth Colony? He died suddenly in April 1621, and Bradford was unanimously elected to replace him.








11. In which season is Thanksgiving celebrated today?




12. In which month is Thanksgiving celebrated today?




13. What bird is commonly eaten on Thanksgiving Day?




 14. A vegetable that was commonly grown by the Native Americans and adopted by the European settlers was




15. A fruit that was commonly grown by the Native Americans and adopted by the European settlers was




16. This fruit is baked in pies for Thanksgiving dessert.




Note: Squash is the fruit of any plant of the gourd family, cooked and eaten as a vegetable. A pumpkin is a round squash (fruit) with a thick orange-skinned rind, dry flesh, and many seeds.

Answers: 1. Pilgrims; 2. Mayflower; 3. Atlantic; 4. Massachusetts; 5. Native Americans; 6. Squanto; 7. Massasoit; 8. Patuxet tribe; 9. William Bradford; 10. John Carver; 11. Fall; 12. November; 13. turkey; 14. corn; 15. squash;
16. pumpkin.